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Team Manager

Job Introduction

The Adults with Disabilities Service provides social work assessment, support planning and care and support reviews to adults up to the age of 65 in Bradford.  The Service consists of five locality teams, each of which support around 400 people with long term support needs.  Each Team is supported by a Team Manager and an Advanced Practitioner.  Social workers support people with disabilities to enable supported decision making in relation to finances and their welfare.  Social workers also undertake statutory assessments under the Care Act, Mental Capacity Act and Mental Health Act.  Social workers also lead on the duty to undertake inquiries where there is reasonable cause to suspect that an adult with care and support needs is at risk of harm or abuse and is unable to protect themselves due to their care and support needs.

Role Description and Main Responsibilities

We are looking for a Team Manager to join our Adults with Disabilities Locality Service to lead one of our locality teams. This role is an opportunity to make a real difference in our vibrant and diverse city, supporting adults with disabilities to remain in control and exercise choice over their lives. 

 The main responsibilities of this role:

  • To act in a professional consultative, supervisory and managerial capacity to professionally qualified Social Work staff, Community Care Officers and Access Information Advisors. Upholding the Local Authorities responsibility to provide statutory services under the Care Act 2014, The Mental Health Act, The Mental Capacity Act and the Children and Families Act 2014, to both Adults and young people transitioning from Children’s services in preparation for Adulthood, their carers and families across the Bradford District. 
  • To manage a team of professional Social Workers, Community Care Officers and Access Information Advisors, whose role and responsibility is to fulfil the Local Authority’s statutory duties for Adults and young people who require care and support. Providing; assessment, care and support planning, intervention, monitoring, reviewing and Safeguarding those who are at risk of, or, experiencing abuse and neglect.  
  • To safeguard and promote the Human Rights of Adults and young people.

An enhanced disclosure check with theDisclosure and Barring Service will be undertaken for this post. 

How to Apply

If you are interested in joining our team and would like some further information, please contact Kirsty McLeod on  email  

Employee Offer

Why work for Bradford Council? Find out why by taking a look at Our Employee Offer.pdf .

Equal Opportunities 

We do not discriminate against any applicant or employee directly or indirectly on the grounds of gender, marital status, gender re-assignment, pregnancy, sexual orientation, disability, race, colour, ethnic background, religion or belief nationality or age. And, as an equal opportunities employer, the Council strives to employ the best qualified people from a diverse range of applicants. 

 The RESPECT Allyship Programme is available to all staff, which offers the opportunity to learn more about the diverse communities & groups and provides added benefits and resources to its members.

s & groups and provides added benefits and resources to its members.


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